Important Forms & Documents
Below are important documents and forms regarding Hidden Lakes.
APPROVED PAINT COLORS (mailbox, shutters, doors)
Mailbox paint formula
This is on file at Sherwin Williams in Sheridan Park. If you do not want to buy your paint there, please make sure to use this formula to the right. You can also contact the board as we may have some mailbox paint on hand for you to use.
Approved shutter and door colors
These are on file at Sherwin Williams in Sheridan Park. If you want to buy the paint from other store, please go to Sherwin Williams to get a swatch of the approved color. Please do not eyeball.
You do not need permission from the ARB or Board to paint your shutters or doors these colors.
However, if you want to paint your door and then your shutters different colors, the shutters would need to be Black of Night (SW 6993). You CANNOT paint your door a red and your shutters a blue.
Marigold (SW 6664)
Raucous Orange (SW 6883)
Fired Brick (SW 6335)
Bolero (SW 7600)
Merlot (SW 2704)
Underseas (SW 6214)
Lounge Green (SW 6444)
Isle of Palms (SW 6461)
Dard Hunter Green (SW 0041)
In the Navy (SW 9178)
Blue Mosque (SW 6789)
Adriatic Sea (SW 6790)
Indigo (SW 6531)
Riverway (SW 6222)
Storm Cloud (SW 6249)
Van Dyke Brown (SW 7041)
Turkish Coffee (SW 6076)
Plum Brown (SW 6272)
Black of Night (SW 6993)